Monday, December 5, 2011



This past weekend Johnny Taylor and I traveled to Lake Forest Ranch in Macon, MS, and spoke to the students of FBC Oloh.

Marked by many factors, this past five months prepared us to go and teach to this group of students about the often taught often forgot subject of "No Condemnation."

Friday Night:  Session 1 "No Condemnation"

        Based from Romans 8:1, a verse that just says it, "there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."  This application to the life of a condemned Christian is the most freeing message they can receive.  The Gospel is not about condemnation, it is about intimacy with God.  Intimacy with God leads us into action...we often throw out comments such as, "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing from the word of God."  This statement boast so much truth; however, we often "hear" but we rarely respond.
        the woman caught in adultery (John 8) brought before Jesus in the synagogue was guilty, so are we!  Jesus could have stoned her and would have been completely just in doing so, yet because of his righteousness that fulfilled the law He asks her, "where are your accusers?"  is there anyone here to condemn you?  He pulls her out from under neath the banner of condemnation and sets her under the banner of "love."  Song of Solomon 2:4, "he brought me to the his banqueting house and his banner over me was love."  Just says it.
        I told the students Friday Night that they had permission to not and try to fix themselves because they would never be able to fix the problem on their own.  I certainly showed up with this idea of not being able to fix them and it freed me to relax and just teach.

Saturday Morning:  "Life as it relates to Law and Torah"

        I shared my journey to ultimate life in Christ and it wasn't a 7 step process or a formula but it was about how God ambushed me rescued me from a false Christian Identity based on my works for his acceptance.  I was given life based on His works not mine, that freed me and messed up all my theology up to that point in life... I'm not sure what god I was serving but it was not the creator of the universe.  The god I served fit nicely in the shape of my box and looked an awful lot like me...!  I make a terrible god.   When I found that I didn't love God first, but that He loved and pursued me with reckless abandon and began to live loved, it ruined me.  Living Love allowed me to pursue him with reckless abandon just as he was pursuing me...His pursuit of me caused me to pursue him!  I discovered that this journey meets up with a symptom that I cannot repair and it is "dependency."  Living in grace, Living loved, and pursuing God causes dependency.  I began to hear the word of God and doing the word of God (James 1:22) yet, this doing was not about works it was about dependency.  But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness Romans 4:5.  Now that just says it!  What did God reveal to during this time of growing and currently revealing to me to this day...

"Law and Torah"

the difference in these two words freed me to read the bible from a way of life and not a demand.

Law in the Greek is Nomos  which gives a judicial view of living...the law then carries out the purpose of condemnation, judgment, and death.   This view of Law makes sin increasingly sinful, because that is what we are "sinful."

Torah in the Hebrew is translated in to Nomos in Greek but does not mean the same thing, the idea behind the torah is "teaching or instruction a way of living."  Torah was not meant for condemnation, judgment, and death but for life.  Torah can condemn, judge, and produce death because it contains the in it a holy and just standard given by God that makes sin increasingly sinful. The Torah is a covenant promise of life in a person.

When we think of Law we think of the Ten Commandments, the ten commandments was not a law but a marriage covenant over the people of Israel who then once it was received rejected its standard to intimacy. Just like the Israelites of the time we too have decided that it is better for us to have someone go in our place and come and tell us what God says...!  That's not what he wants from us, he wants us to come through the blood of Jesus and live our lives in his presence, the scriptures say, be holy for I am holy... that is we have to go through Christ to live holy.  

Saturday Night "Law is Christ"

        Jesus is for us the graceful revelation of the Torah, he is the fulfillment of these scriptures.  John 1:1 gives us the revelation of this word... what do we call the word?  Scriptures right, what is the torah made of?  Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.  These are the Torah, but these scriptures are not merely words on paper, they point to a person.  You cannot have a relationship with words, the scriptures are shadows of a real person who we call our savior, Jesus Christ.  
      Colossians 2:17 says that these are the shadows of the things to come but the substance belongs to christ...(just says it).   John 5:39-40  says that you search the scriptures for knowledge...however, it is not in the scriptures that eternal life exist, but he tells them you refuse to come to me for life...

The point of all this, Jesus is the Law, Jesus is the Torah.  Matthew 5:17-18.... says that Jesus did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it therefore becomes the law on our behalf and meets its righteous demands for us.

The importance of finding our life in Christ is essential to living not condemned by the law.

Sunday Morning.  "God hasn't Changed"

simplicity is the key to understanding that you are not condemned, the question is do you believe?

The Shema says, "Hear, O Israel, The Lord our God, the Lord is one from Deuteronomy 6:4...

Hear is a simple request, listen to notice of my voice.  Israel is the loved bride of Christ... The Lord our God, is Elohim (plural) giving us the concept of this triune God who is a Father who loves us, The spirit who reveals to us, and the Son who took our place to rescue us.  The Lord is one, (James 1:17) in whom there is no variation.

The word became flesh and dwelt among us... (John 1:14)

The weekend was exciting not because we did anything to fix, but gave the freedom to allow God to fix... we just need to live in his grace, experience his love, and be dependent on his life.

have a great day,



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