Wednesday, December 22, 2010

T-Shirts and Jeans Day 1

       Let me begin with a brief explanation of t-shirts and jeans; I'm on a 16 day mission to be comfortable and wear what I consider to be ultimate comfort t-shirts and jeans.  I have a two week break from school, and that means a two week break from khaki pants, golf shirts, and yes the ever gagging tie. 

T-Shirts and Jeans Day 1 Monday 12/17/10

       School let out after lunch today and a huge sigh of relief fell over me, knowing that I could just relax and enjoy my family for the evening.  There was a community wide youth rally at the Civic Center, I encouraged my youth to attend; however, I was following God's plan and taking my family for a trip to see the lights in Marshall.
       I had several people ask about why I didn't attend the event; after explaning myself that I was following God's plan by not going and hanging out with my family, a look of confusion and dismay fell over their faces.  I wonder if I would have told them that I went and worshipped satan with my family instead of going to the youth rally if I would have received the thumbs up?  No, I would have received the same confused look as similiar to the one when I told them that I was hanging out with my family. 
       Ruach Hakodesh is the Hebrew term for the Holy Spirit, this is exactly who we are to be led by and not by our flesh.  We are not of the flesh, we are of the spirit.  Every one who showed up at that event was doing exactly what God had planned for them; God didn't plan a youth rally for me.  A book named , "The Law of Faith," by Norman Grubb states in chapter 1 pg 13, "It is my belief that in each member of Christ's body, from the time of the new birth, the Holy Spirit begins to develop some special characteristic through which God may be glorified in a particular way, some aspect of His grace and truth through which the whole body may be edified and enlightened."  I add this quote to tell you that the measure of faith given to you is not by what you muster up and provide for yourself but, the gift of the spirit is measured by the faith given to you is the faith of  Christ.  God is glorified by your response to his voice in your life and manifesting the measure of faith given to you.  The measure of faith not by the flesh, but by the Spirit.
       Being in the middle of God's plan was much more fulfilling than doing something I was not supposed to do in the first place, and I will rest really well at night knowing that my family is my gift of God.  Listening to the Spirit was just as much a worship experience as listening to a youth rally for those who went.  I went to the lights in comfort, wearing t-shirt and jeans with a orange vest with my girls and my beautiful wife.

t-shirts and jeans,


P.S. here is my favorite Christmas song, by one of my favorite bands "The Rhinetones" performing "O Holy Night"


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