Monday, August 10, 2009

August Rush

August Rush

Football is approaching, school is starting, and after what seemed like a long summer is coming to a whinding end. I never thought that I would be in August talking about the Rangers and their possibility of being in the playoffs. As you can tell, it doesn't take much for me to get excited about life in general. I love football season, High School Football Friday Nights, college football saturdays, and Cowboy football on Sundays.

I looked back over the summer and have noticed that I have enjoyed hanging out with the kids (Zoe and Lucy), (Monday Night children), (and the youth group). I cautiously see that the youth in the church I work for are starting to see the grace of God and receive a taste from Him. When a student comes to understand the grace of God the countenance on their face changes and a since of inner rest appears and they seem to enjoy life a little more. Have you had that type of taste from God that caused you to rest spiritually?

When I think about my own journey of rest and how God showed up in 1996 and changed me by His grace, it causes me to pause and reflect on His goodness, His mercy, and His timing. God has always showed up at the right time in my life and even when I didn't notice that God was even around His timing was still perfect because I remember situations that God showed up and saved me from my stupidity or just went along for the ride in my stupidity to teach me a life lesson.

When God shows up you know it and it is unmistakable how He works in and through us. I've seen the results in my life and I'm beginning to see how He is still teaching me and molding me. None of this teaching and molding is done with the iron rod of discipline, and it is not done with a distant eye watching from across way, but it is done with a nearness that I cannot explain and a smile that is unforgetable.

I get pretty weird when it comes to watching sports of any kind, I'm usually put way to much of my emotions into it, yell way to loud, and jump up and down way to much; just ask my family! Here is the funny thing about all of that, God gets pretty weird with me during the times of watching sports and my fluttering emotions. I believe He enjoys it just as much as I do and enjoys decorating the house just as much as I do. The point is this, God's intimacy is not based on me correcting all my junk, but it is in the joyful delight of just being in His presence and me enjoying Him and He enjoying me.

That is the taste that changed me: What was the taste that changed you? I would love to see your comments on that!

happy August,



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