Friday, April 24, 2009

I Am My Beloved's And His Desire Is For Me

I love coffee, it is a beautiful way to start the morning. I particularly love the fact that I can share coffee with people. It is a rariety that I don't enter the coffee shop at B&B's without receiving a hug or a hello of some kind.

It is a place where every body knows your name, a place where you are accepted as you are not for what you should be, and with all of the political uproar in the government you are not looked at as a republican or a democrat; however, you are treated as a valued customer, a valued friend, and family.

So on this April Friday Morning I feel especially loved by God, even though God's love for me is not measured daily by an amount deserved, but that He especially loves me daily not matter the circumstance.

Often I've projected my shame, guilt, low self-esteem, and worth on to God as if it was Him throwing these particular darts my way. God's love for us is not based on our low view of self. I am learning that it is important for us to find our rest in His satisfaction with the finished work of Christ.

God sees us and knows us and has a furious longing to be intimate with us.

I've been spending some alone time repeating this statement from the scripture "I am my beloved's and His desire is for me." (Song of Solomon 7:10). In my time of meditation and prayer this is what I'm repeating over and over and guess what? I'm actually starting to believe it!

If you get a chance go and pick up Brennan Mannings "Furious Longing of God" at the bookstore, it will show you not only this prayer, but many other stories of God's love towards us.

I was rescued from ths life of guilt and shame by my father in 1996, who at the moment where I was the most depressed, guilt ridden, shame fed person, and lost to the fact that God loved me without condition (that means for free). I was prepared to receive the worst when dad spoke up and said these words, "Son, I love you and I am here to get you out of situations that you cannot get yourself out of!"

If you notice there was not a hint condemnation in those words, not any venom to strike down what was already struck down. In these words you will notice that Dad gave me permission to lift my head, he cut me free from the burden of responsibility of earning his love. His love for me was never gone. His love for me never waivered when he knew that my mugshot was going to be displayed, when the report of my arrest was going to show up in the paper.

My dad rescued me from wearing the dunce hat in the corner of the class room. My dad provided a beautiful picture of God's love toward's us. my dad's desire was for me, to rescue me, to get me out of things I could get myself out of, even though I was to blame.

"I am my beloved's and His desire is for me." In meditating on this scripture, I beginning to believe this is true that His desire for me will not be hindered by my guilt, my shame, my low view self...

"I am my beloved's and His desire is for me." This is healing me from beating myself up, from forgetting who I am in Christ, and causing me to rest in His satisfaction.

April 09 Teleo Ridge Update

Pray for us this summer as we move forward with A.C.E. at The Place, John Cordova who has been leading A Cross Examination will be at Lake Forest Ranch this summer and Jaytee and I will continue on with this study.

The Ladies in our group have come together and hav been studying "Breaking Free" from Beth Moore and it is really exciting to hear about how God is showing them the importance of living life outside of the chains of Legalism.

Pray for us as we continue our S.N.A.P. time on Saturday Nights, Justin Neely is leading and overseeing this time of providing a safe place for students to hang out through relaxing and enjoying conversations over board games, video games, or just hanging out on the side walk getting to know these people known as teenagers.

There is an open invitation for any of you who want to come and visit here in TX and see what God is doing here in this community. If you are interested in doing something like that we recommend that you come for the weekend and stay though Tuesday, contact Jason at and we can set you up with a place to sleep.

We have set up our calender for the Summer and we will have our website updated soon with new pics, bios, and happenings.

much love,


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter

Luke 24:3 " but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus"

As you walk into the place on the back wall there is a painting of the empty tomb and the scripture reads from

1 Corinthians 15:55 "O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?"
56 " The sting of death is sin and the power of sin is the law;
57 "but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."

Joe Shelton does a easter study on Luke 24:3 and talks about the most important words in scripture, from the KJV it reads , "and they found not"

Why is this the most important words in scripture? Well, if they had entered and found him...then death would have its victory and Jesus was not God; which leaves us all up a creek. They entered and they did not find the body of Christ, which therefore leaves us with the hope that Jesus was the first born of many to overcome death.

This is why we celebrate Easter, yes this is the identification of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ to life. We like Paul, identify ourselves with the crucifixion by recognizing that we have been "Crucified in Christ Gal. 2:20," we identify ourselves by being baptized into his death, therefore we have been" buried with Him" and by the Glory of God we were "resurrected with Him" so that we may walk in newness of life (Romans 6:3-4).

Why is it vital to realize that they found not? They found not, meaning that He was raised to "life" never to face death again, and you who are found in Christ was raised to "life" never to face eternal death but to taste the "eternal life" that you now have in Him.

Easter is about the resurrection to life.....Luke 24:3 " but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus"

Stop and pause today reflecting on the life that has been provided by Christ because of the resurrection....


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