Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God

Tattoos. I was thinking about what to write here in regards of where I am at in my own personal life journey. And for some reason I keep looking at my tattoos, so maybe that's what I should write about. However, I'm not writing about ink on this spaniard body of mine but of the Spirit of God who will not fade away. My tattoos tell of a story of how God has and is revealing more of Himself in this temple which contains His living Spirit.

Grace. This was a start of a new understanding and knowing Christ more. I can only know God by His grace for it was how I even began to see the gospel and even hope to experience the gospel on the day to day basis. It is only by God's grace that I desire Him, long for Him, and want to taste Him. Apart from that, I would be prone to live freely in the desires of the flesh and not seek God.

Yes, I am. My understanding of my identity in Christ was another huge moment in my life that is a continuing journey for me. I know that my heart longs to see myself as how God sees me in Christ. I feel compelled to teach about our identity in Christ because I've seen the lack of teaching in this area. We've all received messages about ourselves from hurts, wounds, and pain and ultimately we must receive and believe that Christ is our all in all.

Vine and Branch. Another analogy of our relationship/identity with God. God has taught me through difficult circumstances that I am nothing apart from Him. He is my very life and the producer of anything good that people see in me. I can only be me and noone else, and that's exactly how God meant it to be. I am the branch that God chooses to show that His surpassing power belongs to Himself and not to me. Freaking sweet.

In 2 Corinthians 3, Paul talks about the ministry of the new covenant which is the ministry of life, namely Jesus Himself. He says is verses 2-6, "You yourselves are our letter of recommendation, written on our hearts, to be known and read by all. And you show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. Such is the confidence that we have through Christ toward God. Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God, who has made us competent to be ministers of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life".

This is my heart here in East Texas Mineola. I desire to be a minister of the new covenant to those around me. I am not sufficient in myself and my tattoos remind me of this everyday. I want people to read my story, my friend's stories, see the life of Christ and experience this ministry of the new covenant called Teleo Ridge. We are letters written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God, freely moving and being Christ in us.

A letter,

John Cordova
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I really expected today to accomplish great things for God. What do you consider accomplishing great things for God? Personally, I believe that God has provided daily for us to accomplish something great… this great purpose is to live in His presence, to accomplish the act of being the man or woman God has created us to be.

I remember struggling with the fact that I had to put a mark on each day and accomplish a great task for God. That is why most of my college days were miserable because I tried so hard to get others to see my works. Thank God I’m not saved based on my works or accomplishments correct? Do you ever find your self in the same predicament? “God I’ve done nothing today that would merit your favor, do you still love me?” I would actually pray that on a daily basis.

Well Jason that is the silliest thing I’ve ever heard! Maybe, however, it’s true. Last Night I sat with a group of people that came to meet and just be themselves, we watch a video of a friend by the name of Dave Busby who expressed that God showed up and answered a question for him, watch the video, it will make you laugh and encourage you here it is: go to the website and watch it.

I thank God that God is the one who is accomplishing His work in us, through, and for us. I cannot assume the role of doing great things. I just get to "be" in Christ and He does the work. I know that when I'm down on myself, feeling guilt and shame, and wondering what my worth is I constantly am reminded of finished work of Christ on the cross.

blessings to you all

I would love to hear from you on this subject, have you dealt with some of these same issues?
Monday, February 2, 2009

I'm Yessed


This is a T-Shirt I had designed for my youth group at Hainesville Baptist Church. What is the significance of the statement, "I'm Yessed?"

At Teleo Ridge we believe that in Christ you are yessed. 2 Cor. 1:20 says,

" For as many as are the promises of God, in Him they are yes; therefore also through Him is our Amen to the glory of God through us."

Beginning in January we started a youth community time called "CYF" or Community Youth Fellowship at The Place downtown. On this previous meeting we were able to involve ourselves with the kids by sitting in a circle and playing our instruments together and singing songs of praise to God. It was really cool.

On Saturday nights we have added a time which is being led by Bobby Simmons that is introducing music to the kids in a unique way. Bobby has an excellent talent for teaching music and He is a talented musician in his own right.

This is an example of how we are supporting the hearts of those involved in the ministry here at Teleo Ridge, Bobby is called to music, God has opened the door for him to build relationships with students through music.

The same goes for Johnathon McBurnett, who is joining Bobby in this venture of building relationships through music that point to Christ.

These things are so exciting and we are able to watch God move and work in and through us, drawing the kids to himself.

Living in God's Yes means simply that we are loved, accepted, and pursued. God loves us as much as He loves Jesus. Isn't that exciting? John 17:23 proves to that God is passionate about us, that He is interested in us.

Jesus is praying for the disciples and the future saints, "the knowlege of life (17:3)," "everything is given from God (17:7)," "We are one with God (17:11)," "we are not of this world (17:14)," "we know that we are sanctified through God's word (not reading scripture, but the living word Christ that sanctifies us) (17:17), " "not just glory given to Jesus but to us as well that we may be in Him glorified (17:22).

I in them (Christ in us), Thou in me (God in Christ), that they (we) may be (teleo= complete) perfected in unity, that the world may know that thou didst send me, (God sent Jesus) (God loves us) thou didst love them, even as thou didst love me (even as God loves Jesus).

This should take you back and help you see how God views you in Christ, that you are loved with the fullness of God. If God loved us any less, then He would not be God and we would not be yessed.

This month pray for us to begin this non profit process and that God will lead us in the right direction of who we should choose to help lead us in completing this task.

Pray for our students and the leaders here who are volunteering to impact their lives on a weekly basis.

Pray for John Cordova as he comes back to Texas and begins his journey with Teleo Ridge in the coming months, we are excited to have him as a part of what is going on here. We look forward to God revealing himself to John and us having the opportunity to love Him as God as loved us...for free.

much love to you all from us here at Teleo Ridge,


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